Package 'VAJointSurv'

Title: Variational Approximation for Joint Survival and Marker Models
Description: Estimates joint marker (longitudinal) and survival (time-to-event) outcomes using variational approximations. The package supports multivariate markers allowing for correlated error terms and multiple types of survival outcomes which may be left-truncated, right-censored, and recurrent. Time-varying fixed and random covariate effects are supported along with non-proportional hazards.
Authors: Benjamin Christoffersen [cre, aut] , Mark Clements [aut], Birzhan Akynkozhayev [aut], Antoine Savine [cph]
Maintainer: Benjamin Christoffersen <>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.1
Built: 2025-02-15 05:43:00 UTC

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Term for a B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines


Term for a B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines


  x = numeric(),
  df = NULL,
  knots = NULL,
  degree = 3,
  intercept = FALSE,
  Boundary.knots = range(if (use_log) log(x) else x),
  use_log = FALSE


x, df, knots, degree, intercept, Boundary.knots

same as bs.


TRUE if the polynomials should be in the log of the argument.


A list like bs with an additional element called eval to evaluate the basis. See VAJointSurv-terms.

See Also

poly_term, ns_term, weighted_term, and stacked_term.


vals <- c(0.41, 0.29, 0.44, 0.1, 0.18, 0.65, 0.29, 0.85, 0.36, 0.47)
spline_basis <- bs_term(vals,df = 3)
# evaluate spline basis at 0.5
# evaluate first derivative of spline basis at 0.5
spline_basis$eval(0.5, der = 1)

Formats the Parameter Vector


Formats a parameter vector by putting the model parameters into a list with elements for each type of parameter.


joint_ms_format(object, par = object$start_val)



a joint_ms object from joint_ms_ptr.


parameter vector to be formatted.


A list with the following elements:


list with an element for each marker. The lists contains an element called fixef for non-time-varying fixed effects and an element called fixef_vary time-varying fixed effects.


list with an element for each survival outcome. The lists contains an element called fixef for non-time-varying fixed effects, an element called fixef_vary time-varying fixed effects, and an element called associations for the association parameters.


contains three covariance matrices called vcov_marker, vcov_vary and vcov_surv for the covariance matrix of the markers error term, the time-varying random effects, and the frailties, respectively.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L, ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L)))

# find the starting values
start_vals <- joint_ms_start_val(model_ptr)

# format the starting values

Computes the Hessian


Computes the Hessian


  quad_rule = object$quad_rule,
  cache_expansions = object$cache_expansions,
  eps = 1e-04,
  scale = 2,
  tol = .Machine$double.eps^(3/5),
  order = 4L,
  gh_quad_rule = object$gh_quad_rule



a joint_ms object from joint_ms_ptr.


parameter vector for where the lower bound is evaluated at.


list with nodes and weights for a quadrature rule for the integral from zero to one.


TRUE if the expansions in the numerical integration in the survival parts of the lower bound should be cached (not recomputed). This requires more memory and may be an advantage particularly with expansions that take longer to compute (like ns_term and bs_term). The computation time may be worse particularly if you use more threads as the CPU cache is not well utilized.

eps, scale, tol, order

parameter to pass to psqn. See psqn_hess.


list with two numeric vectors called node and weight with Gauss–Hermite quadrature nodes and weights to handle delayed entry. A low number of quadrature nodes and weights is used when NULL is passed. This seems to work well when delayed entry happens at time with large marginal survival probabilities. The nodes and weights can be obtained e.g. from fastGHQuad::gaussHermiteData.


A list with the following two Hessian matrices:


Hessian matrix of the model parameters with the variational parameters profiled out.


Hessian matrix of the model and variational parameters.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L, ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L)))

# find the starting values
start_vals <- joint_ms_start_val(model_ptr)

# optimize lower bound
fit <- joint_ms_opt(object = model_ptr, par = start_vals, gr_tol = .01)

# compute the Hessian
hess <- joint_ms_hess(object = model_ptr,par = fit$par)

# standard errors of the parameters

Evaluates the Lower Bound or the Gradient of the Lower Bound


Evaluates the Lower Bound or the Gradient of the Lower Bound


  n_threads = object$max_threads,
  quad_rule = object$quad_rule,
  cache_expansions = object$cache_expansions,
  gh_quad_rule = object$gh_quad_rule

  n_threads = object$max_threads,
  quad_rule = object$quad_rule,
  cache_expansions = object$cache_expansions,
  gh_quad_rule = object$gh_quad_rule



a joint_ms object from joint_ms_ptr.


parameter vector for where the lower bound is evaluated at.


number of threads to use. This is not supported on Windows.


list with nodes and weights for a quadrature rule for the integral from zero to one.


TRUE if the expansions in the numerical integration in the survival parts of the lower bound should be cached (not recomputed). This requires more memory and may be an advantage particularly with expansions that take longer to compute (like ns_term and bs_term). The computation time may be worse particularly if you use more threads as the CPU cache is not well utilized.


list with two numeric vectors called node and weight with Gauss–Hermite quadrature nodes and weights to handle delayed entry. A low number of quadrature nodes and weights is used when NULL is passed. This seems to work well when delayed entry happens at time with large marginal survival probabilities. The nodes and weights can be obtained e.g. from fastGHQuad::gaussHermiteData.


joint_ms_lb returns a number scalar with the lower bound.

joint_ms_lb_gr returns a numeric vector with the gradient.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L, ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L)))

# find the starting values
start_vals <- joint_ms_start_val(model_ptr)

# same lower bound
all.equal(attr(start_vals,"value"),joint_ms_lb(model_ptr,par = start_vals))

Optimizes the Lower Bound


Optimizes the Lower Bound


  par = object$start_val,
  rel_eps = 1e-08,
  max_it = 1000L,
  n_threads = object$max_threads,
  c1 = 1e-04,
  c2 = 0.9,
  use_bfgs = TRUE,
  trace = 0L,
  cg_tol = 0.5,
  strong_wolfe = TRUE,
  max_cg = 0L,
  pre_method = 3L,
  quad_rule = object$quad_rule,
  mask = integer(),
  cache_expansions = object$cache_expansions,
  gr_tol = -1,
  gh_quad_rule = object$gh_quad_rule



a joint_ms object from joint_ms_ptr.


starting value.

rel_eps, max_it, c1, c2, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, max_cg, pre_method, mask, gr_tol

arguments to pass to the C++ version of psqn.


number of threads to use. This is not supported on Windows.


list with nodes and weights for a quadrature rule for the integral from zero to one.


TRUE if the expansions in the numerical integration in the survival parts of the lower bound should be cached (not recomputed). This requires more memory and may be an advantage particularly with expansions that take longer to compute (like ns_term and bs_term). The computation time may be worse particularly if you use more threads as the CPU cache is not well utilized.


list with two numeric vectors called node and weight with Gauss–Hermite quadrature nodes and weights to handle delayed entry. A low number of quadrature nodes and weights is used when NULL is passed. This seems to work well when delayed entry happens at time with large marginal survival probabilities. The nodes and weights can be obtained e.g. from fastGHQuad::gaussHermiteData.


A list with the following elements:


numeric vector of estimated model parameters.


numeric scalar with the value of optimized lower bound.


integer vector with the function counts and the number of conjugate gradient iterations. See psqn.


logical for whether the optimization converged.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L, ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L)))

# find the starting values
start_vals <- joint_ms_start_val(model_ptr)

# optimize lower bound
fit <- joint_ms_opt(object = model_ptr, par = start_vals, gr_tol = .01)

# formatted maximum likelihood estimators
joint_ms_format(model_ptr, fit$par)

Approximate Likelihood Ratio based Confidence Intervals


Approximate Likelihood Ratio based Confidence Intervals


  level = 0.95,
  max_step = 15L,
  rel_eps = 1e-08,
  max_it = 1000L,
  n_threads = object$max_threads,
  c1 = 1e-04,
  c2 = 0.9,
  use_bfgs = TRUE,
  trace = 0L,
  cg_tol = 0.5,
  strong_wolfe = TRUE,
  max_cg = 0L,
  pre_method = 3L,
  quad_rule = object$quad_rule,
  verbose = TRUE,
  mask = integer(),
  cache_expansions = object$cache_expansions,
  gr_tol = -1,
  hess = NULL



a joint_ms object from joint_ms_ptr.


maximum lower bound estimator from joint_ms_opt.


index of the parameter to profile.


numeric scalar greater than zero for the initial step size. Steps are made of size 2^(iteration - 1) * delta. A guess of the standard deviation is a good value.


confidence level.


maximum number of steps to take in each direction when constructing the approximate profile likelihood curve.

rel_eps, max_it, c1, c2, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, max_cg, pre_method, mask, gr_tol

arguments to pass to the C++ version of psqn.


number of threads to use. This is not supported on Windows.


list with nodes and weights for a quadrature rule for the integral from zero to one.


logical for whether to print output during the construction of the approximate profile likelihood curve.


TRUE if the expansions in the numerical integration in the survival parts of the lower bound should be cached (not recomputed). This requires more memory and may be an advantage particularly with expansions that take longer to compute (like ns_term and bs_term). The computation time may be worse particularly if you use more threads as the CPU cache is not well utilized.


the Hessian from joint_ms_hess. It is used to get better starting values along the profile likelihood curve. Use NULL if it is not passed.


A list with the following elements:


profile likelihood based confidence interval.


the value of the parameter at which the profile likelihood is evaluated at.


numeric scalar with the profile log-likelihood.


list of lists of the output of each point where the profile likelihood is evaluated with the optimal parameter values of the other parameters given the constrained value of the parameter that is being profiled and the optimal value of the lower bound.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L, ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L)))

# find the starting values
start_vals <- joint_ms_start_val(model_ptr)

# optimize lower bound
fit <- joint_ms_opt(object = model_ptr, par = start_vals, gr_tol = .01)

# compute the Hessian
hess <- joint_ms_hess(object = model_ptr,par = fit$par)

# compute the standard errors
se <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess$hessian)))

# find index for the first association parameter
which_prof <- model_ptr$indices$survival[[1]]$associations[1]

# initial step size for finding the confidence interval limits
delta <- 2*se[which_prof]

# compute profile likelihood based confidence interval
# for the first association parameter
profile_CI <- joint_ms_profile(
  object = model_ptr, opt_out = fit, which_prof = which_prof,
  delta= delta, gr_tol = .01)

# comparison of CIs

Creates a joint_ms Object to Estimate a Joint Survival and Marker Model


Creates a joint_ms Object to Estimate a Joint Survival and Marker Model


  markers = list(),
  survival_terms = list(),
  max_threads = 1L,
  quad_rule = NULL,
  cache_expansions = TRUE,
  gh_quad_rule = NULL,
  ders = NULL



either an object from marker_term or a list of such objects.


either an object from surv_term or a list of such objects.


maximum number of threads to use.


list with nodes and weights for a quadrature rule for the integral from zero to one.


TRUE if the expansions in the numerical integration in the survival parts of the lower bound should be cached (not recomputed). This requires more memory and may be an advantage particularly with expansions that take longer to compute (like ns_term and bs_term). The computation time may be worse particularly if you use more threads as the CPU cache is not well utilized.


list with two numeric vectors called node and weight with Gauss–Hermite quadrature nodes and weights to handle delayed entry. A low number of quadrature nodes and weights is used when NULL is passed. This seems to work well when delayed entry happens at time with large marginal survival probabilities. The nodes and weights can be obtained e.g. from fastGHQuad::gaussHermiteData.


a list of lists with integer vectors for how the survival outcomes are linked to the markers. 0 implies present values, -1 is integral of, and 1 is the derivative. NULL implies the present value of the random effect for all markers. Note that the number of integer vectors should be equal to the number of markers.


An object of joint_ms class with the needed C++ and R objects to estimate the model.

See Also

joint_ms_opt, joint_ms_lb, joint_ms_hess, and joint_ms_start_val.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L)

Sets the Covariance Parameters


Sets the covariance matrices to the passed values. The function also sets covariance matrices for the variational distributions to the same values.


  par = object$start_val,
  va_mean = NULL



a joint_ms object from joint_ms_ptr.


the covariance matrix for the time-varying effects.


the covariance matrix for the frailties.


parameter vector to be formatted.


a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of random effects per observation and the number of columns is the number of observations. The order for the observations needs to be the same as the id element of object.


Numeric vector with model parameters.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L, ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L)))

# compute var-covar matrices with the first set of starting values
joint_ms_format(object = model_ptr)$vcov
joint_ms_va_par(object = model_ptr)[[1]]

# altering var-covar matrices
alter_pars <- joint_ms_set_vcov(
  object = model_ptr,
  vcov_vary = diag(1:4),
  vcov_surv = matrix(0,0,0))

# altered var-covar matrices
joint_ms_format(object = model_ptr, par = alter_pars)$vcov
joint_ms_va_par(object = model_ptr, par = alter_pars)[[1]]

Quick Heuristic for the Starting Values


Quick Heuristic for the Starting Values


  par = object$start_val,
  rel_eps = 1e-08,
  max_it = 1000L,
  n_threads = object$max_threads,
  c1 = 1e-04,
  c2 = 0.9,
  use_bfgs = TRUE,
  trace = 0,
  cg_tol = 0.5,
  strong_wolfe = TRUE,
  max_cg = 0,
  pre_method = 3L,
  quad_rule = object$quad_rule,
  mask = integer(),
  cache_expansions = object$cache_expansions,
  gr_tol = -1,
  gh_quad_rule = object$gh_quad_rule



a joint_ms object from joint_ms_ptr.


starting value.

rel_eps, max_it, c1, c2, use_bfgs, trace, cg_tol, strong_wolfe, max_cg, pre_method, mask, gr_tol

arguments to pass to the C++ version of psqn.


number of threads to use. This is not supported on Windows.


list with nodes and weights for a quadrature rule for the integral from zero to one.


TRUE if the expansions in the numerical integration in the survival parts of the lower bound should be cached (not recomputed). This requires more memory and may be an advantage particularly with expansions that take longer to compute (like ns_term and bs_term). The computation time may be worse particularly if you use more threads as the CPU cache is not well utilized.


list with two numeric vectors called node and weight with Gauss–Hermite quadrature nodes and weights to handle delayed entry. A low number of quadrature nodes and weights is used when NULL is passed. This seems to work well when delayed entry happens at time with large marginal survival probabilities. The nodes and weights can be obtained e.g. from fastGHQuad::gaussHermiteData.


Numeric vector of starting values for the model parameters.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L, ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L)))

# find the starting values
start_vals <- joint_ms_start_val(model_ptr)

Extracts the Variational Parameters


Computes the estimated variational parameters for each individual.


joint_ms_va_par(object, par = object$start_val)



a joint_ms object from joint_ms_ptr.


parameter vector to be formatted.


A list with one list for each individual with the estimated mean and covariance matrix.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# create the C++ object to do the fitting
model_ptr <- joint_ms_ptr(
  markers = list(m1, m2), survival_terms = s_term,
  max_threads = 2L, ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L)))

# find the starting values
start_vals <- joint_ms_start_val(model_ptr)

# extract variational parameters for each individual
VA_pars <- joint_ms_va_par(object = model_ptr,par = start_vals)

# number of sets of variational parameters is equal to the number of subjects

# mean and var-covar matrix for 1st individual

Creates Data for One Type of Marker


Creates Data for One Type of Marker


marker_term(formula, id, data, time_fixef, time_rng)



a two-sided formula with the marker outcome on the left-hand side and fixed effect covariates on the right-hand side.


the variable for the id of each individual.


a data.frame or environment to look at up the variables in.


the time-varying fixed effects. See .e.g. poly_term.


the time-varying random effects. See .e.g. poly_term.


The time_fixef should likely not include an intercept as this is often included in formula. Use poly_term(degree = 0, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE) if you want only a random intercept.


An object of class marker_term containing longitudinal data.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

Term for a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines


Term for a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines


  x = numeric(),
  df = NULL,
  knots = NULL,
  intercept = FALSE,
  Boundary.knots = range(if (use_log) log(x) else x),
  use_log = FALSE


x, df, knots, intercept, Boundary.knots

same as ns.


TRUE if the polynomials should be in the log of the argument.


A list like ns with an additional element called eval to evaluate the basis. See VAJointSurv-terms.

See Also

poly_term, bs_term, weighted_term, and stacked_term.


vals <- c(0.41, 0.29, 0.44, 0.1, 0.18, 0.65, 0.29, 0.85, 0.36, 0.47)
spline_basis <- ns_term(vals,df = 3)
# evaluate spline basis at 0.5
# evaluate first derivative of spline basis at 0.5
spline_basis$eval(0.5, der = 1)

Plots a Markers Mean Curve with Pointwise Quantiles


Plots a Markers Mean Curve with Pointwise Quantiles


  p = 0.95,
  xlab = "Time",
  ylab = "Marker",
  newdata = NULL,



the time-varying fixed effects. See .e.g. poly_term.


the time-varying random effects. See .e.g. poly_term.


fixed effect coefficients for time_fixef.


2D numeric vector with start and end points.


the covariance matrix for time_rng.


coverage of the two quantiles.

xlab, ylab, ...

arguments passed to plot.


data.frame with data for the weights if any.


A list containing data for plotting.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

fixef_vary <- c(-0.1048, 0.2583, 1.0578, 2.4006, 2.9734)
vcov_vary <- rbind(c(0.96580, 0.09543), c(0.09543,  0.03998))

# plot marker's trajectory
  time_fixef = m1$time_fixef,
  time_rng = m1$time_rng,
  fixef_vary = fixef_vary,
  vcov_vary = vcov_vary, x_range = c(0,5))

Plots Quantiles of the Conditional Hazards


Plots Quantiles of the Conditional Hazards


  ps = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975),
  log_hazard_shift = 0,
  xlab = "Time",
  ylab = "Hazard",
  ders = NULL,
  newdata = NULL,



the time-varying fixed effects. See .e.g. poly_term. This is for the baseline hazard. Note that many basis expansions have boundary knots. It is important that these are set to cover the full range of survival times including time zero for some expansions.


an expansion or a list of expansions for the time-varying random effects of the markers. See marker_term.


two dimensional numerical vector with the range the hazard should be plotted in.


fixed effect coefficients for time_fixef.


covariance matrix for the expansion or expansions in time_rng.


variance of the frailty.


quantiles to plot.


possible shift on the log hazard.


association parameter for each time_rng or possible multiple parameters for each time_rng if ders is supplied.

xlab, ylab, ...

arguments passed to matplot.


a list with integer vectors for how the survival outcome is linked to the markers. 0 implies present values, -1 is integral of, and 1 is the derivative. NULL implies the present value of the random effect for all markers.


data.frame with data for the weights if any.


A list containing data for plotting.


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# create the marker terms
m1 <- marker_term(
  log(bili) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))
m2 <- marker_term(
  albumin ~ 1, id = id, data = pbcseq,
  time_fixef = bs_term(day_use, df = 5L),
  time_rng = poly_term(day_use, degree = 1L, raw = TRUE, intercept = TRUE))

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

# expansion of time for the fixed effects in the survival term
time_fixef <- s_term$time_fixef
# expansion of time for the random effects in the marker terms
time_rng <- list(m1$time_rng, m2$time_rng)
# no frailty
frailty_var <- matrix(0L,1)
# var-covar matrix for time-varying random effects
vcov_vary <- c(0.9658, 0.0954, -0.1756, -0.0418, 0.0954, 0.04, -0.0276,
               -0.0128, -0.1756, -0.0276, 0.1189, 0.0077, -0.0418, -0.0128,
               0.0077, 0.0057) |> matrix(4L)
# coefficients for time-varying fixed effects
fixef_vary <- c(1.0495, -0.2004, 1.4167, 1.255, 2.5007, 4.8545, 4.7889)
# association parameters
associations <- c(0.8627, -3.2358, 0.1842)
# constant shift on the log-hazard scale
log_hazard_shift <- -4.498513
# specify how the survival outcome is linked with markers
ders = list(0L, c(0L, -1L))

# plot the hazard with pointwise quantiles
  time_fixef = time_fixef,
  time_rng = time_rng,
  x_range = c(0, 5), vcov_vary = vcov_vary, frailty_var = frailty_var,
  ps = c(.25, .5, .75), log_hazard_shift = log_hazard_shift,
  fixef_vary = fixef_vary, associations = associations, ders = ders)

Term for Orthogonal Polynomials


Term for Orthogonal Polynomials


  x = numeric(),
  degree = 1,
  coefs = NULL,
  raw = FALSE,
  intercept = FALSE,
  use_log = FALSE


x, degree, coefs, raw

same as poly.


TRUE if there should be an intercept.


TRUE if the polynomials should be in the log of the argument.


A list like poly with an additional element called eval to evaluate the basis. See VAJointSurv-terms.

See Also

bs_term, ns_term, weighted_term, and stacked_term.


vals <- c(0.41, 0.29, 0.44, 0.1, 0.18, 0.65, 0.29, 0.85, 0.36, 0.47)
spline_basis <- poly_term(vals,degree = 3, raw = TRUE)
# evaluate spline basis at 0.5
# evaluate first derivative of spline basis at 0.5
spline_basis$eval(0.5, der = 1)

Term for a Basis Matrix for of Different Types of Terms


Creates a basis matrix consisting of different types of terms. E.g. to create a varying-coefficient.





term objects from the package.


A list with an element called eval to evaluate the basis. See VAJointSurv-terms.

See Also

poly_term, bs_term, ns_term, and weighted_term.


vals <- c(0.41, 0.29, 0.44, 0.1, 0.18, 0.65, 0.29, 0.85, 0.36, 0.47)

spline_basis1 <- ns_term(vals, df = 3)
spline_basis2 <- bs_term(vals, df = 3)

# create stacked term from two spline bases
stacked_basis <- stacked_term(spline_basis1, spline_basis2)

# evaluate stacked basis at 0.5
# evaluate first derivative of stacked basis at 0.5
stacked_basis$eval(0.5, der = 1)

Creates Data for One Type of Survival Outcome


Creates Data for One Type of Survival Outcome


surv_term(formula, id, data, time_fixef, with_frailty = FALSE, delayed = NULL)



a two-sided formula with the survival outcome on the left-hand side and fixed effect covariates on the right-hand side. The left-hand side needs to be a Surv object and can be either right-censored and left-truncated.


the variable for the id of each individual.


data.frame with at least the time variable.


the time-varying fixed effects. See .e.g. poly_term. This is for the baseline hazard. Note that many basis expansions have boundary knots. It is important that these are set to cover the full range of survival times including time zero for some expansions.


TRUE if there should be a frailty term.


a vector with an entry which is TRUE if the left-truncation time from the survival outcome is from a delayed entry.


The time_fixef should likely not include an intercept as this is often included in formula.

The delayed argument is to account for delayed entry with terminal events when observations are sampled in a way such that they must not have had the event prior to their left-truncation time. In this case, the proper complete data likelihood is

a(u)h(tiju)dijS(tiju)g(u)a(u)S(viju)du\frac{a(u)h(t_{ij}\mid u)^{d_{ij}}S(t_{ij} \mid u)g(u)}{\int a(u) S(v_{ij} \mid u) du}

and not

a(u)h(tiju)dijS(tiju)S(viju)g(u)a(u)h(t_{ij} \mid u)^{d_{ij}}\frac{S(t_{ij} \mid u)}{S(v_{ij} \mid u)}g(u)

where hh is conditional hazard, SS is the conditional survival function, gg is additional conditional likelihood factors from other outcomes, aa is the random effect distribution, tijt_{ij} is the observed time, dijd_{ij} is an event indicator, and vijv_{ij} is the left truncation time.

The denominator in the proper complete likelihood becomes the expectation over all delayed entries when a cluster has more than one delayed entry. See van den Berg and Drepper (2016) and Crowther et al. (2016) for further details.


An object of class surv_term with data required for survival outcome.


Crowther MJ, Andersson TM, Lambert PC, Abrams KR & Humphreys K (2016). Joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data: incorporating delayed entry and an assessment of model misspecification. Stat Med, 35(7):1193-1209. doi:10.1002/sim.6779

van den Berg GJ & Drepper B (2016). Inference for Shared-Frailty Survival Models with Left-Truncated Data. Econometric Reviews, 35:6, 1075-1098, doi: 10.1080/07474938.2014.975640


# load in the data
data(pbc, package = "survival")

# re-scale by year
pbcseq <- transform(pbcseq, day_use = day / 365.25)
pbc <- transform(pbc, time_use = time / 365.25)

# base knots on observed event times
bs_term_knots <-
  with(pbc, quantile(time_use[status == 2], probs = seq(0, 1, by = .2)))

boundary <- c(bs_term_knots[ c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])
interior <- c(bs_term_knots[-c(1, length(bs_term_knots))])

# create the survival term
s_term <- surv_term(
  Surv(time_use, status == 2) ~ 1, id = id, data = pbc,
  time_fixef = bs_term(time_use, Boundary.knots = boundary, knots = interior))

Expansions in the VAJointSurv package


The VAJointSurv package uses different functions to allow for expansions in time possibly with covariate interactions. The main usage of the functions is internally but they do provide an element called 'eval()' which is a function to evaluate the expansion. These functions take the following arguments:

  • x numeric vector with points at which to evaluate the expansion.

  • der integer indicating whether to evaluate the expansion, its integral, or the derivative.

  • lower_limit possible lower limit if integration is performed.

  • newdata a data.frame with new data if this is required. E.g. for weighted_term.

The supported terms are ns_term, bs_term, poly_term, weighted_term, and a stacked_term.

Term for a Basis Matrix for Weighted Term


Creates a weighted basis matrix where the entries are weighted with a numeric vector to e.g. create a varying-coefficient.


weighted_term(x, weight)



a term type from the package.


a symbol for the weight. Notice that the symbol is first first used when the eval function on the returned object is called.


A list with an element called eval to evaluate the basis. See VAJointSurv-terms.

See Also

poly_term, bs_term, ns_term, and stacked_term.


vals <- c(0.41, 0.29, 0.44, 0.1, 0.18, 0.65, 0.29, 0.85, 0.36, 0.47)

spline_basis <- ns_term(vals, df = 3)
ws <- c(4,5)
# create a weighted term
w_term <- weighted_term(spline_basis, weights)

# evaluate weighted basis at 0.5 and 0.7 with weights 4 and 5
w_term$eval(c(0.5,0.7), newdata = data.frame(weights = ws))
# evaluate the first derivative of weighted basis at 0.5 and 0.7
# with weights 4 and 5
w_term$eval(c(0.5,0.7), newdata = data.frame(weights = ws), der = 1)